Precon Marine successfully completed this project, which was aimed at restoration of the beach, enhancing of coastal areas and ensuring navigability.
Precon conducted offshore hydraulic dredging to remove approximately 145,000 cubic yards of sand. The hydraulically dredged sand was used to create a sandy recreational beach and construct tombolos (sandbars} to enhance the beach area. Then, a 100-foot wide channel was mechanically dredged to a depth of -6 Mean Water Level (MWL) at Wallace Creek and Long Creek.
The work also included construction of five breakwaters using core stone and armor stone to protect the shoreline and enhance coastal resilience. All necessary permits were obtained and regulations, including those from VMRC (Virginia Marine Resources Commission), DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality), LWB (Local Wetlands Board), and DGIF (Department of Game and Inland Fisheries) were strictly adhered to.