Portsmouth, VA




The project requires the construction of approximately 4100 feet of shoreline protection at the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA}, Portsmouth, Virginia. The purpose of the project is to replace the existing {randomly placed) concrete rubble with six engineered riprap breakwaters. Sand fill mined from CIDMMA will be placed landward of the breakwaters. The objective for this project is to protect up to 4100 linear feet of shoreline along the north shore of CIDMMA.

The contractor shall provide the materials and equipment and necessary to construct 8 breakwaters as shown and described in the plans and specifications. To the maximum extent possible, the existing concrete shall be used as a bedding layer for the armor stone. Geotextile filter material shall be used under all areas of bedding material. All construction borrow areas and haul routes must be coordinated with the COR. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with a site-specific, low maintenance permanent seed mixture. Disposal of suitable excess excavated material shall be coordinated with the COR. The Installation shall provide adequate space for the delivery and storage of equipment and materials.