At Precon Marine, Inc., employees are a very important asset to our company; therefore protecting those assets makes good sense. Precon Marine, Inc. provides a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees and subcontractors. To fulfill this commitment, Precon Marine, Inc. implements a progressive accident prevention program. Precon Marine, Inc. complies with all applicable OSHA standards and follows all generally accepted safety and industrial hygiene practices.

Safety and productivity are mutually compatible and equal goals of Precon Marine, Inc. The safety of employees or compliance with OSHA standards is not compromised due to time or money restraints.​

Precon Marine, Inc. provides training to all employees and subcontractor employees on the requirements of this program and provides training in the skills necessary to perform work safely.​

Together, we can prevent the losses and hardships that accompany all accidents.

It is the policy of Precon Marine, Inc. to operate in a manner that is protective of our employees, customers and the environment.

In order to prevent and provide for abatement and control of any environmental pollution arising from construction activities, Precon Marine, Inc. will meet or exceed the requirements of all Federal, State, and Local Regulations concerning the environmental laws and regulations.

Precon Marine, Inc. strives to preserve the natural resources within the project boundaries and outside the limits of the permanent work, restores all areas disturbed by construction activities to an equivalent or improved condition upon completion of the work, and confines all construction activities to within the construction limits of the project.